Anna Rubi & Eirini Sourgiadaki
Video installation, 2016
The word empatheia originally from the ancient Greek empathis is a Hellenistic word used to describe the “intense pathos”, evolved to “wickedness”, negative or hostile attitude in prejudice. The word came to the English language to denote “the participation to the pathos” (pathos with the meaning of suffering), to the misery of the other up to a point of total identification, and eventually the compassion. The use of the word itself came to a point meaning exactly the opposite of its ancient Greek original. In an etymological sense, empathy is a paradoxical phenomenon, so as trying to relate to the pain of another body. Could we ever feel the same pain, as the others?
Z+ fund and showroom ‘Pain of the others’ group show 2016 Zurich I London Biennale Manila Pollination 2016 Manila I TART Zürich 2018 I Kulturfolger Zürich 2018 I Budapest Photo Festival 2019 I MyMuseum Gallery Budapest